Technical Data on Ferrite Materials
Item Descriptions
Magnetic Properties View Magnetic Properties of Ferrite Materials
31 Material A MnZn ferrite designed specifically for EMI suppression applications from as low as 1 MHz up to 500 MHz. This material does not have the dimensional resonance limitations associated with conventional MnZn ferrite materials. Round cable EMI suppression cores, round cable snap-its, flat cable EMI suppression cores and flat cable snap-its are all available in 31 material.
33 Material An economical MnZn ferrite designed for use in open circuit applications for frequencies up to 3.0 MHz. Rods are available in 33 material.
43 Material This NiZn is our most popular ferrite for suppression of conducted EMI from 20 MHz to 250 MHz. This material is also used for inductive applications such as high frequency common-mode chokes. EMI suppression beads, beads on leads, SM beads, multi-aperture cores, round cable EMI suppression cores, round cable snap-its, flat cable EMI suppression cores, flat cable snap-its, miscellaneous suppression cores, bobbins, and toroids are all available in 43 material.
44 Material A NiZn ferrite developed to combine a high suppression performance, from 30 MHz to 500 MHz, with a very high dc resistivity. SM beads, PC beads, wound beads, round cable snap-its, and connector EMI suppression plates are all available in 44 material.
46 Material Our latest material development is a MgZn ferrite intended for suppression applications. This material does not use nickel in its composition, hence it avoids potential environmental issues as well as reduces the cost of the material component of suppression parts. The suppression performance of the 46 material is similar to our widely used 43 material. The new Fair-Rite grade 46 is supplied in the larger sizes of the round cable EMI suppression and snap-it cores.
51 Material A NiZn ferrite developed for low loss inductive designs for frequencies up to 5.0 MHz.
52 Material A new high frequency NiZn ferrite material, that combines a high saturation flux density and a high Curie temperature. SM beads, PC beads and a range of rod cores are available in this material.
61 Material A high frequency NiZn ferrite developed for a range of inductive applications up to 25 MHz. This material is also used in EMI applications for suppression of noise frequencies above 200 MHz. EMI suppression beads, beads on leads, SM beads, wound beads, multi-aperture cores, round cable snap-its, rods, antenna/RFID rods, and toroids are all available in 61 material. Strong magnetic fields or excessive mechanical stresses may result in irreversible changes in permeability and losses.
67 Material A high frequency NiZn ferrite for the design of broadband transformers, antennas and HF, high Q inductor applications up to 50 MHz. Toroids, multi-aperture cores and antenna/RFID rods are available in this material. Strong magnetic fields or excessive mechanical stresses may result in irreversible changes in permeability and losses.
68 Material Our highest frequency NiZn ferrite intended for broadband transformers, antennas and HF high Q inductor applications up to 100 MHz. This material is only supplied to customer-specific requirements and close consultation with our application staff is suggested. Strong magnetic fields or excessive mechanical stresses may result in irreversible changes in permeability and losses.
73 Material A MnZn ferrite, supplied only in small cores, to suppress conducted EMI frequencies below 50 MHz. EMI suppression beads, beads on leads, SM beads, and multi-aperture cores are all available in 73 material.
75 Material A high permeability MnZn ferrite intended for a range of broadband and pulse transformer applications and common-mode inductor designs. Toroidal cores are available in 75 material.
76 Material A MnZn ferrite with a 10K permeability and an acceptable Curie temperature for broadband and pulse transformer designs and common-mode choke applications. Toroids are available in 76 material.
77 Material A MnZn ferrite for use in a wide range of high and low flux density inductive designs for frequencies up to 100 kHz. Pot cores, E & I cores, U cores, rods, toroids, and bobbins are all available in 77 material.
78 Material A MnZn ferrite specifically designed for power applications for frequencies up to 200 kHz. RFID rods, toroids, and E & I cores are all available in 78 material.
79 Material A high frequency material for power applications up to 750 kHz. This MnZn power ferrite is available in customer specific core designs.
85 Material A square hysteresis loop Mn ferrite developed for use in output regulators and magnetic amplifier designs. Toroids are available in 85 material.


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